It's the nature of blogs to go from feverish activity to inaction, and Humanities Researcher is no exception.
It's been a very busy year, but I am currently in the first week of six months research leave, so the time feels right to take the odd moment and reflect again on what I do.
The bluestone project is still ticking away in the background, but there are rather too many writerly commissions jostling for priority at the moment. I'm just going to list them here, to give myself a fright. These are all due sometime between now and the middle of next year.
It's just as well I have leave. So, no teaching; a vastly reduced administrative load; and, because our Centre's research offices are moving to another building and the room I'm going in to is still occupied by someone else, I'll shortly have no office on campus, so these will be quiet days at home with the books and computer, apart from three weeks in the US.
One of the best things about this leave is that it began with a big talk in London last week that was weighing on me for some time. It went well, so although there are lots of things to do, I don't think any of them is going to be so fuelled by adrenaline. Just lovely, steady work as winter turns into spring and summer.
It's been a very busy year, but I am currently in the first week of six months research leave, so the time feels right to take the odd moment and reflect again on what I do.
The bluestone project is still ticking away in the background, but there are rather too many writerly commissions jostling for priority at the moment. I'm just going to list them here, to give myself a fright. These are all due sometime between now and the middle of next year.
- co-authored essay on climate and emotion, medieval to early modern
- essay on Chaucer's General Prologue
- short essay on The Canterbury Tales
- co-authored book on Chaucer
- bluestone essay
- co-authored essay on women as prisoners and brides in the middle ages
- afterword to an essay collection on heritage culture and emotions
- essay on face and emotions
- write up big talk I just gave last week on 'Chaucer's silent discourse'
- co-edit special issue of a journal
- talk on medieval love for Romance Writers of Australia
- talk on Hoccleve for CHE
- talk at Yale
- talk at Columbia University
- co-convene conference at Columbi
- big grant application
- talk to Lyceum club
- Bluestone book (not due, but I'd like to get cracking on it)
It's just as well I have leave. So, no teaching; a vastly reduced administrative load; and, because our Centre's research offices are moving to another building and the room I'm going in to is still occupied by someone else, I'll shortly have no office on campus, so these will be quiet days at home with the books and computer, apart from three weeks in the US.
One of the best things about this leave is that it began with a big talk in London last week that was weighing on me for some time. It went well, so although there are lots of things to do, I don't think any of them is going to be so fuelled by adrenaline. Just lovely, steady work as winter turns into spring and summer.
Welcome back!!
Did you lose enthusiasm again?
well this is embarrassing!! Just that other projects have jumped the queue... And then I was acting head of School for three months. But I do have an article on the bluestone project coming out soon in the Melbourne Historical Journal. Will update here when it's published.
Still planning to start writing the book in second semester. Have faith!!
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